As soon as the order is placed, you will receive full shipping instructions via email. You can ship at your earliest convenience. Once the order is in our hands, it will be done in 2 weeks or less.
Once you place an order, you will receive full shipping instructions via email, but here are a few notes.
It is federally legal for you to ship directly to us. However, changes to UPS and FedEx policies make it more secure for all involved to use a local FFL (gun shop, pawn shop, gunsmith, etc.). We would greatly appreciate it if you chose this route. It gives both parties more peace of mind. Having it shipped through an FFL is also often less expensive.
If you decide to ship yourself. That is fine with us, though if lost or stolen in transit, we will not pay to replace firearms/serialized parts that were not shipped via FFL. You are also required by law to ship second-day air UPS or FedEx. We recommend UPS.
Shipping process for SLIDES AND NON-SERALIZED PARTS: (SIG grip modules with fcu removed and 2011 grips removed from the frame)
Feel free to ship USPS or UPS